We at 365, are determined and happy to go an extra mile to provide quality childcare, dedicated to provide extraordinary service. We attend to the needs of parents and children.
Please select the best suited childcare provider to suit you!

We place great emphasis on providing a healthy diet…
"Mealtimes should be relaxed, sociable and enjoyable occasions for everyone."
We understand that children can be fickle eaters so we provide meals consisting of small amounts of locally sourced and freshly home cooked food with different colours or textures.
We encourage children to eat different types of healthy and balanced foods containing different types of vitamins and other nutrients. We don’t force children to eat if they don't like the food but we keep re-introducing foods to encourage them to try a varied and balanced diet.
By providing lots of finger foods, we encourage children to feed themselves as soon as they can, as this helps to promote good table manners and strong social skills.
We are happy to cater for any individual requirements that you may have regarding your child’s diet; please feel free to discuss any special needs with us.
"The emphasis is on - healthy home cooking with casseroles, pasta and rice - not the fast food available out there!"