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Your child’s day

At 365 Childminding we plan each day to nurture your child’s imagination and build their confidence through praise, recognition and support. The overall structure of the day is specific to our setting but designed to encourage children to flourish and inspire them to love learning.


Drop off and breakfast

Morning starts with arrivals by drop off by parents or pick ups by us. Breakfast is offered to children who come in the morning. We are experienced in settling children so drop off is a crucial time for you to update us on whether your child has slept or whether they have woken up upset for any reason.



We will encourage your child to join in or select an activity that they particularly enjoy.



Lunch is generally around 12.30pm. We place great emphasis on food and eating in ‘family’ groupings, talking about our meal, and making it a relaxing and enjoyable time for everyone. We eat with the children where possible, and we aim to ensure your child enjoys a wide range of healthy meals.


Sleep time (shhh…)

Younger babies will probably need a number of sleeps during the day, but as they get older this will reduce to one sleep, usually after lunch. We will always endeavor to enable your child to sleep when they want to, and will also work with you to establish a routine that suits their specific needs.



Throughout the afternoon your child will enjoy a range of activities designed to enable them to play and explore, discover and grow, learn and understand. Every activity will be tailored to their liking and they will be encouraged to build their confidence and understanding though praise, recognition and support.



At about 4:00pm the children sit down for tea, this meal consists of toast butter/croissants, biscuits, hot chocolate, juices (depending on weather).


Dinner Time:

The children who go home after 5:30pm have their dinner at the setting. We provide healthy home made meals. Please refer to the menu.


Home time:

When you arrive to pick your child or if we are dropping them, we will share any information about their day, pass on any important messages from 365 Childminding or their school.



Regular Contact:

We provide daily written and verbal feedback in a daily diary if required. Every six to eight weeks we will invite you to stay a few minutes longer than normal to look at your child’s development. This is very informal and helps us to develop our understanding of your child. 


365 Childminding  is a trading name of 365 Childminding Ltd.

163 Barton Road, Luton, LU3 2BN

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